1. Entrepreneur Immigration Stream - Provincial Nominee Programs in British Columbia (BCPNP)

The Entrepreneur Immigration stream of the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) is designed for experienced business owners and managers who have the financial capability and knowledge to support BC’s economic growth. Candidates who meet all business immigration requirements can become provincial nominees, making them and their family members eligible to apply for permanent residence in Canada. This stream is further divided into two sub-categories, including the Regional Pilot Program and the Base Category Program.
There are other provinces you can be nominated from:
2. Federal Entrepreneur Start-up Visa Program

Best fit for candidates with work or business experience related to these industry sectors:
• Information Technology
• Engineering
• Health Care Technology
• Financial Technology
The Start-Up Visa Program targets entrepreneurs with the skills and expertise to build creative and innovative businesses in Canada. Candidates will be connected with designated venture capital funds, angel investor groups or business incubators in Canada who can provide them with the financial support and guidance to jump-start their businesses.
With a letter of support from a designated investment organization, candidates can submit their application for permanent residence.
Candidates can also come to Canada on a short-term work permit to open and operate their business before qualifying for permanent residence.
There is no minimum investment or net worth requirement for candidates, but they are required to be proficient in either English or French, have completed post-secondary education and have sufficient settlement funds. Applicants can settle in any province other than Québec.
Canada Start Up Info Package